As a parent or carer, you are an important part of our school community. We offer a range of services to support you and your family.
Parents, carers and the community
Family support
A range of services is available to support families, including translation and interpreter services, adult education, adult English programs and telephone counselling services.
Counselling for families
The school counsellor can assist when families undergo a trauma or big change. Contact us to make an appointment. For information in community languages, see school counselling service.
Outside of the education system, free telephone counselling services are available to support families who may be going through a difficult time.
- Lifeline – 24-hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14.
- Mensline Australia – 24-hour telephone counselling service for men. 1300 789 978.
- Parent line – 24-hour advice and information service. 1300 1300 52.
Interpreting and translations
We will help you communicate with our school. If you’d like an interpreter for a school meeting, let us know and we will arrange one, if available.
If you don’t speak or understand English well and want to contact us, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The operator will call the school and get an interpreter to help. This service is free.
For more information, listen in your language.
Visit the department’s translated documents section for important information that’s relevant for your child’s education in many languages.
An interpreter can be requested for school matters involving your child such as enrolment, subject choice, educational progress, attendance, welfare or behaviour. Interpreters can also be requested for parent-teacher interviews, school meetings, school council meetings, and parents and citizens meetings.
Adult education
There are a number of options available to parents/guardians:
Community colleges across NSW offer adult and community education courses ranging from general interest courses to nationally accredited courses.
The reading writing hotline on 1300 6555 06 provides information about adult literacy and numeracy classes in your area and distance delivery options.
NSW Adult Migrant English Service (AMES) runs English language programs for migrants.
See also:
- Raising Children
- Beyond Blue
- The Secondary College of Languages formerly Saturday School of Community Languages
- Multicultural Education
- Parents, Carers and Families
- Refugee Support
Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
We have a vibrant community of dedicated parents who provide an open forum for parents, caregivers, teachers, students and the extended school community.
Please refer to the P&C official website for further information:
Randwick Girls High School P&C Facebook