Randwick Girls' High School

Educating today's girls to be tomorrow's leaders

Telephone9398 3233



The school does not expect parents to purchase any of the textbooks listed. This list is provided for information only or for the purposes of reference only.

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitiate specific programs.

Items needed for all subjects all Years:

1 black pen, 1 blue pen, 1 red pen, 2 pencils: HB and 2B, coloured pencils (12-24), eraser, sharpener, ruler, glue stick, blunt nosed scissors, RGHS school diary provided by school in Year 7. No textas or liquid paper.

Year 7 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A Exercise book with at least 160 pages
Mathematics Cambridge Mathematics Year 7
  • Maths grid book 240 pages or more – covered
  • Geometry set, ruler
  • Scientific calculator  (available from school office)
Science  Core Science Stage 4 - 1, and 2 A4 exercise book at least 160 pages
Geography Pearson Geography 7 and 8 A4 exercise at least 160 pages
History Retro-Active 1 NSW Curriculum History Stage 4 Ancient World to Modern World Exercise book at least 120 pages


a. Chinese

b. Japanese

c. French

a. Ni Hao Workbook 1

b. Hai 1 Workbook 1

c. Touche Workbook 1

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour
Music N/A Music exercise book – with manuscript (music staves) and writing pages
Technology Switched on Technology Stage 4 by Sally Collins, Jacaranda
  • A4 plastic sleeve display book
  • Apron $10 (purchase from school).
Personal development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE N/A 96 page exercise book or electronic device (laptop, ipad)

  • Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs
  • Electives: no list provided.


Year 8 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A A4 160 page exercise book
Mathematics Cambridge Mathematics Year 8 New Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum
  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. All students are expected to have a scientific calculator Sharp calculators may be purchased from the office.
  • set square
  • compas
  • protractor
  • 240 page grid book
Science Core Science 1 and 2 -Stage 4 A4 160 page exercise book
Geography Pearson Geography 7and 8 A4 160 page exercise book
History Oxford Insight History Stage 4 Year 8 Exercise book at least 120 pages


a. Chinese

b. Japanese

c. French

a. Ni Hao Workbook 1 or 2

b. Hai 2 Workbook

c. Touche Workbook 1, Extension workbook Equipe Nouvelle Workbook 1

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour

Creatvie Arts

Visual Arts


N/A Music exercise book with manuscript (music staves) and writing pages
Technology Switched on Technology Stage 4 by Sally Collins, Jacaranda A4 display folder
Personal development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE N/A 96 page exercise book or electronic device (laptop, ipad)

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs


Year 9 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A A4 160 page exercise book


5.3 course

5.2 and 5.1 course

Cambridge Mathematics Year 9 Stage 5.1, 5.2, 5.3  New Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum

Cambridge Mathematics Year 9 Stage 5.1, 5.2  New Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum

  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. All students are expected to have a scientific calculator. Sharp calculators may be purchased from the office.
  • set square
  • compas
  • protractor
  • 240 page grid book
Science Core Science 3,4 (Stage 5) A4 160 page exercise book
Social Sciences Pearson Geography 9 and 10 A4 160 page exercise book
History Oxford Insight History Stage 5 Year 9 Exercise book at least 120 pages


a. Chinese

b. Japanese

c. French

a. Ni Hao Workbook 1, 2 or 3

b. Hai 3 and Hai 4 Workbook

c. Tapis Volant Workbook 2

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour

Creative arts


Visual Art

Artwise 2, Visual Arts 9-10 As listed in Items needed for all subjects


9-10 Food Technology

9-10 Information and Software Technology

9-10 Design and Technology

9-10 Textiles Technology


Food Tech Focus NSW Stage 5 Food Technology, 2nd Edition - Geraldine Blake, NELSON Cengage Learning

Information & Software Technology - A Project Based Approach, 3rd Edition; David Grover, Heather Knights, Eamon Gormley, NELSON Cengage Learning.

Cambridge Design & Technology: Stage 5 by Romalina Rocca, Matthew Scott, Sally Filtness, Jennifer Holt

Nelson Textiles Technology by Christine Castle and Lynda Peters

  • A4 display folder
  • Food Technology students will need a 120 page exercise book
Personal development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE New syllabus 96 page exercise book

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs


Year 10 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A A4 160 page exercise book


Year 10 5.3 course

Year 10 5.2 and 5.1 course


Cambridge Mathematics Year 10 Stage 5.1, 5.2, 5.3  New Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum

Cambridge Mathematics Year 10 Stage 5.1, 5.2  New Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum

  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. All students are expected to have a scientific calculator. Sharp calculators may be purchased from the office.
  • set square
  • compas
  • protractor
  • 240 page grid book
Science Core Science 3, 4 (Stage 5) A4 160 page exercise book
Social Sciences Pearson Geography 9 and 10 A4 160 page exercise book
History Oxford Insight History Stage 5 Year 10  120 page exercise book


a. Chinese

b. Japanese


a. Ni Hao Workbook 1, 2 or 3

b. Hai 5 and 6 Workbook

c. Tapis Volant Workbook 2

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour

Creative arts


visual arts

Artwise 2, Visual Arts 9-10 As listed in Items needed for all subjects


Food Technology

Information and Software Technology

Design and Technology

Textiles Technology

Food Tech Focus NSW Stage 5 Food Technology, 2nd Edition - Geraldine Blake, NELSON Cengage Learning

Information & Software Technology - A Project Based Approach, 3rd Edition; David Grover, Heather Knights, Eamon Gormley, NELSON Cengage Learning.

Cambridge Design & Technology: Stage 5 by Romalina Rocca, Matthew Scott, Sally Filtness, Jennifer Holt

Nelson Textiles Technology by Christine Castle and Lynda Peters

  • A4 display folder
  • Food Technology students will need a 120 page exercise book
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE N/A Exercise book, A4 folder or electronic device

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs


Year 11 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A A4 160 page exercise book


Mathematics Standard, Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1

Mathematics Standard - Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard Year 11 by Ley and Fuller

Mathematics Advanced - Maths in Focus: Mathematics Advanced Year 11  by Margaret Grove

Mathematics Extension 1 - Maths in Focus: Mathematics Advanced Year 11  by Margaret Grove

  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. Note that other calculators are not permitted in HSC tasks.
  • 240 page grid book
Science Available through school
  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. Note that other calculators are not permitted in HSC tasks.
  • A4 160 page exercise book

Social Sciences

Business Studies



Legal Studies

Business Studies in Action Preliminary Course 4th ed. (text + e-book)

Economics - The Market Economy 2019 ed.

Geography - Global Interactions 1 Preliminary (3rd ed.)

Legal Studies - Cambridge Legal Studies (4th ed.) Preliminary Course (text + digital)



Ancient History

Modern History

Society & Culture

Studies of Religion

The Ancient World Transformed by P Bradley

  • History 1 Year 11
  • Modern History Transformed Year 11

Society & Culture for Preliminary and HSC by K. Thompson and E. Davidge Published by Nelson

Living Religion Student Book and E-book by Morrissey

120 page exercise book and A4 folder



a. Chinese

b. Japanses


a. Chinese

b. Japanese

Chinese and Literature

a. Ni Hao Workbook 1
b. Fudeko Reekie Textbook and Fudeko Reekie Workbook

a. Ni Hao Workbook 3
b. Wakatta Textbook and Wakatta Workbook 1

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour

Creative arts



visual arts

  • An introduction to the concepts of Music, Nick Peterson
  • Musical Concepts, Helene Galettis


Cambridge Senior Visual Arts Stage 6

As listed in Items needed for all subjects


Food Technology

Community and Family Studies

Design and Technology

Information Processes and Technology

Exploring Early Childhood Studies


Textiles and Design

Food Tech Focus NSW Stage 6 Student Book Michelle Downie & Rosalie Gualtieri et al, New NELSON Cengage Learning

NELSON Community and Family Studies; Preliminary and HSC 2nd Edition, Beattie, Girvan, Rayner, Bell

Cambridge Design and Technology: Stage 6 by Arna Wesley, Romalina Rocca, Sandra McKee, Michael McLean

Information Processes & Technology - The Preliminary Course 2nd Edition, Samuel Davis

Nelson Exploring Early Childhood, 2nd Edition - Louise Weihen

NELSON Hospitality FOCUS HSC Blake, Farrugia, Pamment Weihen, NELSON Cengage Learning

Nelson Textiles & Design Preliminary and HSC 2nd Edition

  • 120 page exercise book or A4 binder for each subject if doing:
    • Food Technology
    • Community & Family Studies
    • Exploring Early Childhood Studies
    • Textiles & Design
  • A3 display folder for Design & Technology
  • A4 display folder for Information Processes & Technology
  • A4 binder for Hospitality
Personal Development, Helth and Physical Education - PDHPE PDHPE in Focus Preliminary, McGraw Hill N/A

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs


Year 12 - Equipment List

Subject Textbooks Equipment
English N/A A4 160 page exercise book


Mathematics Standard

Mathematics Advanced

Mathematics Extension 1

Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 2 Year 12 by Ley and Fuller

Maths in Focus: Mathematics Advanced Year 12  by Margaret Grove

Maths in Focus: Mathematics Extension 1 Year 12  by Margaret Grove

  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. Note that other calculators are not permitted in HSC tasks.
  • 240 page grid book
Science Available through school
  • Scientific calculator - either Sharpe EL-531XH or Casio fx-82AU Plus II. Note that other calculators are not permitted in HSC tasks.
  • A4 160 page exercise book

Social Sciences

Business Studies



Legal Studies

Business Studies in Action HSC Course 6th ed. (text + e-book) Chapman

Australia in the Global Economy 2019 ed. Pearson/Leading Edge (Dixon)

Global Interactions 2 HSC (3rd ed.) Kleeman et al

Cambridge Legal Studies (4th ed.) Preliminary Course (text + digital + toolkit) Milgate et al



Ancient History

Modern History

Society and Culture

Studies of Religion

The Ancient World Transformed by P Bradley

  • History 1 Year 11
  • Modern History Transformed Year 11

Society & Culture for Preliminary and HSC by K. Thompson and E. Davidge Published by Nelson

Living Religion Student Book and E-book by Morrissey

120 page exercise book and A4 folder per subject taken



a. Chinese

b. Japanese

c. French



a. Chinese

b. Japanese

c. French

Chinese and Literature

a. Ni Hao Workbook 2
b.  Fudeko Reekie Textbook and Fudeko Reekie Workbook
c. Equipe Dynamique Foundation Workbook 4




a. Ni Hao Workbook 4
b. Fudeko Reekie Textbook and Fudeko Reekie Workbook
c. Equipe Dynamique Higher Workbook 4 and, or Voila Workbook

  • A4 size notebook
  • Document wallet foolscap PP hook and loop closure - any colour

Creative arts



Visual Arts

  • An introduction to the concepts of Music, Nick Peterson
  • Musical Concepts, Helene Galettis

Visual arts - Art, Research Theory

As listed in Items needed for all subjects


Food Technolog

Community and Family Studies

Design and Technology

Information Processes and Technology

Exploring Early Childhood Studies


Textiles and Design

Food Tech Focus NSW Stage 6 Student Book Michelle Downie & Rosalie Gualtieri et al, New NELSON Cengage Learning

NELSON Community and Family Studies; Preliminary and HSC 2nd Edition, Beattie, Girvan, Rayner, Bell,

Cambridge Design and Technology: Stage 6 by Arna Wesley, Romalina Rocca, Sandra McKee, Michael McLean

Information Processes and Technology - The HSC Course, Samuel Davis, Parramatta Educatiion Centre

Nelson Exploring Early Childhood, 2nd Edition - Louise Weihen

NELSON Hospitality FOCUS HSC Blake, Farrugia, Pamment Weihen, NELSON Cengage Learning

Nelson Textiles & Design Preliminary and HSC 2nd Edition

120 page exercise book or A4 binder for each subject taken:

  • Food Technology
  • Community & Family Studies
  • Exploring Early Childhood Studies
  • Textiles & Design

A3 display folder for each subject taken:

  • Design & Technology
  • Textiles & Design

A4 display folder for Information Processes & Technology

A4 binder for Hospitality

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE PDHPE in Focus Preliminary, McGraw Hill Textbook hire $20 N/A

Please be aware that other items may be required as the year progresses or may be requested to facilitate specific programs