Randwick Girls' High School

Educating today's girls to be tomorrow's leaders

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Extra curricular

Randwick Girls High School is the top comprehensive girls high school in the Eastern Suburbs. In order for our students to achieve their personal best, we encourage all students to participate in one or more extra curricular activities or clubs on offer in the domains of sport, music, creative arts, social justice and environment, well being and academic excellence.

For details of any of our extra curricular activities or clubs on offer, please click here or enquire at the fornt office. 

The Show

The Show  is performed annually at The Parade Theatre, NIDA.  On average, well over two hundred students from RGHS and RBHS are involved in these productions. Students sing, dance, act and fundraise, while senior students and ex-students help as Dance Captains training younger students.

Music Ensembles

Randwick Girls' High School offers a wide range of musical experiences for students that foster creativity, self confidence, disciplined effort across multiple ensembles including Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble and Choir. Weekly rehearsals allow students to be equipped and  confident to perform in a range of school concerts and community events. 

Dance Ensembles

Our Dance Ensembles regularly perform at the Seymour Centre at the Public Schools NSW Dance Festival and at the Bondi District Showcase. They also many opportunity to attend productions such as performances by the Sydney Dance Company. Students  perform at MADD Night and in the annual school production called The Show at NIDA.

Sports and Physical Activity

Sport and physical activity is a valued and accepted part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. There are many opportunities for students to represent our school at inter-school sports competitions.

Special Religious Education (SRE)

Special Religious Education (SRE) is undertaken at Randwick Girls High school by those students who elect to participate which is run on Mondays during DEAR+. 

For more information about Special Religious Education (SRE) please visit Religion and ethics . The program is run in accordance with Section 32 and 33A of the Education Act 1990. 

Homework Centre 

The Homework Centre offers a quiet and safe space to complete homework and assignments after school. Students have access to the library's resoures and computers as well as Alumni who visit the eacdh session to assist the students to provide them with invaluable tutoring and support services to those who attend. 


Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club offers free breakfast for any student who arrives at school early in the morning. This is an opportunity for students who may not have been able to eat breakfast to come along and eat as well as to socialise with their peers.t. 

Debating Club 

Debating Club offers an opportunity for students to develop critical enquiry skills on topics affecting our world today as well as building confidence in public speaking. Students will have opportunities to debate with other schools competitively.


Jewish Club

The Jewish Club is one of the oldest running clubs in the school. Guests from the Jewish community impart their knowledge, and the club provides an environment where students can speak about ethics and values while respecting and understanding other cultures.

Wellness Wednesdays 

Wellness Wednesdays is a safe space where we will discuss self-care practices, journalling prompts, setting intention and gratitude. It is an opportunity for student to learn the importance of looking after themselves and how to implement wellness strategies into their daily practices.


Our student lead Choir is an vibrant ensemble where any student who is interested in singing a variety of genres such as pop, musical theatre, and a cappella music can join. Students of all abilities are invited to attend; no experience is required.

Environment Club 

The Environment Club is an extra-curricular experience for students with a keen interest in the environment. The Environment Club will provide an opportunity to develop knowledge of environmental issues and participate in organising whole school initiatives.

Coding Club

Coding Club (Run by The Nexgen Codecamp) is run by industry professionals and will cover robotic set-up/assemble, observation of robotic behaviour based on code and a coding task/challenge involving robotic navigation. The Coding Club workshops provide an excellent opportunity for participating students to develop their STEM skills. The Club will be held in the School Library on Wednesday afternoons from 2.35pm. 

Philosophy Club 

Philosophy Club provides a place for students to exchange philosophical ideas, experience creative freedom and share this passion with others. The club aims to build a community of enquiry, enhance a culture of critical and creative thinking at Randwick Girls High School. 

K-Pop Dance Club

K-Pop Dance Culub is an opportunity for students who enjoy K-Pop or are interested in improving their dance skills to learn choreography, safe dancing practices, and how to successfully coordinate a performance with fellow dancers on stage. The club is open to all students who wish to dance to songs from their favourite K-Pop groups.

Concert Band 

The Concert Band is an instrumental performance group. Students come together to perform a variety of music, ranging from classical works to popular pieces. Anyone who plays an instrument and is excited to perform with their peers is invited to audition for a part.

Social Justice Club

The Social Justice Club is an extra-curricular experience for students with a keen interest in social justice issues. It will provide students with an opportunity to develop their knowledge, participate in the organisation of social justice initiatives, and liaise with external social justice agencies.

Makers Club

Love using your hands, being creative and learning new hands on skills? Makers club is an opportunity to learn new and build on existing skills in making. Students have an opportunity to hand knit tand crochet items in collaboration with Australian Red Cross and Wrap With Love to bring much needed comfort and joy to children. Learn useful skills and chat with like-minded classmates while volunteering for a worthwhile cause.

Photography Club 

The Photography Club aims to help students develop their knowledge and skills of the subject outside the classroom walls' confines. Members will have the opportunity to exhibit their work and receive feedback from their teachers and peers.

Maori and Pacific Islanders Club 

The group seeks to develop a community who identify as Maori or Pacific Islander and create a safe space for discussion. Learning traditional dances, finding senior students to mentor juniors, and study help are only some of the activities the group engages in.

First Nations Group

This group seeks to develop a community who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and create a safe space for celebrating aspects of culture, engaging in discussion, a place to seek support and connect with others. Students have an opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities including excursions with community and on Country.

Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA)

This is a safe and supportive environment to have meetings and discussions for those who identify and are allies of the LGBTQI+ community. Visits from community members are also planned, including the GLOW team from the NSW police.

Social Club 

The Social Club offers a safe space for young people to come and chat, play games and have treats with their peers. Build on relationships with other students and develop your communication skills in a supportive environment.

Tune In Tuesdays  

Tune In Tuesday is a space to escape from the hustle and bustle of school life. This will be an opportunity for all year groups to take a break, breathe, unwind, relax, and get ready for the week ahead. It includes a 10-minute guided meditation followed by some mindfulness activities.