Parents and carers are an important part of our school family. We encourage and value your involvement in your daughter's learning and school life.
By taking an active interest in these areas your daughter is likely to feel better about school. By having contact with your daughter's teachers, year adviser and other staff you will help to build a relationship to support your child's learning.
For most of us Algebra was challenging the first time around so don't feel bad if you can no longer help your daughter with their homework.
It's good for your daughter to start to develop stronger independent learning and study skills from Year 7. Support with organisation and time management can be a great role for parents.
If your daughter is having difficulties completing hometasks it is a good idea to contact their teacher or year advisor to discuss it together.
If you have any questions about your daughter's progress, subjects, workload or any other issues you are always welcome to make an appointment with the principal, their class teachers, year adviser or our welfare team. You can do this by calling the office on 02 9398 3233.