Randwick Girls High School currently offers Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish language courses. Contemporary research and practice have established a clear link between the learning of languages and improved literacy skills, as well as the fostering of intellectual development. The study of languages also encourages students to become more accepting of diversity, more respectful of others and more aware of their place in the international community. The LOTE faculty regularly organises international school trips to provide students with the opportunity to practise their language skills, as well as engaging directly with the culture of their chosen language. Some of the countries visited in past years include Japan, China, France and Greece. A trip to China is currently being organised for April 2019.
Course description Stage 4 - Years 7 and 8
The Mandatory Languages course consists of 100 hours’ study of a language typically in years 7 and 8. Randwick Girls High School currently offers Chinese, French, Japanese or Spanish. Students are introduced to the language through the four key skill areas: speaking, writing, listening and reading. Students are also introduced to the culture of the people who speak that language through a variety of engaging in-class activities and excursions.
Course description Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10
Languages may also be studied as an elective course in years 9 and 10. The acquisition of a language is a cumulative process. In the Elective Course, students develop greater breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes to become more confident communicators in their chosen language. Students may be encouraged to progress beyond the essential syllabus content in order to broaden and deepen their knowledge, understanding and language skills and to extend their interest in the language. Cultural understanding is deepened through research projects and excursions.
Course description Stage 6 - Years 11 and 12
There are a variety of language courses available in years 11 and 12, depending upon the amount of previous study of the language.
Preliminary and HSC Continuers courses
These follow on from the stage 5 Elective courses in each language and allow students the opportunity to develop their language skills to a highly sophisticated level.
Preliminary and HSC Beginners courses
Students who have not studied a particular language in Stage 5, may take a Beginners course in that language in year 11. No prior knowledge of the language is required, however, as the students are more mature learners, they are able to progress rapidly with their language skills.
Extension Courses and Background Speakers courses
Some languages offer a variety of courses for advanced students or students who speak the language as part of their background.