2021-2024 RGHS Strategic improvement plan

RGHS operates on a planning continuum reflecting whole school management. It is not a one–off process, but evolving and dynamic, reflecting the developing and ever–changing needs of our living school community.
It is validated through a process of reflection based on an annual cycle of ongoing data gathering, evaluation, analysis and the formulation of strategies to best meet the needs of our unique RGHS community through a consultation process with all our key community stakeholders. This consultative process, embedded in the school’s calendar, uses a wide variety of tools to gather data through annual surveys, consultative panels and anecdotal discussions ranging from:
Annual Student SRC surveys
School happiness, learning, future directions
Annual P&C, Parent, Community discussions
Annual Staff, Student, Parent community on–line surveys
Parent, Student, Teacher forums
Annual Executive Planning Day
Enrolment and exit student surveys
Post School destination surveys
From this ongoing data gathering our strategic directions for the next three years have evolved using community teams to refine the processes, practices and people needed so that our product reflects our ongoing purpose of best educational excellence and equity for our students
Link to school plan: RGHS Strategic Improvement Plan