Science develops student's knowledge and skills in making sense of and explaining the biological , physical and technological world, enabling them to make informed choices and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of community.
Course description Stage 4 and 5 - Years 7-10
Science is of increasing importance and integral to our rapidly changing world. A student’s sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural and made world is fostered through actively engaging in the processes of Working Scientifically. Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding of the relationships between science and technology, and the significance of their contribution to and influence on society.
Scientific inquiry is a distinct way of finding answers to interesting questions and solutions to important problems about the natural world locally, nationally and globally, including shaping sustainable futures. Students will use scientific evidence to make informed decisions about the uses of science and technology in their lives as they become more scientifically literate citizens.
Course description Marine and Aquaculture Technology Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10
Marine and Aquaculture Technology in Years 9–10 is a content endorsed course that fits into an emerging field of study relating to sustainability of marine and related environments. It provides both practical and theoretical learning, honing students’ acquired skills to solve real-life problems using the example of marine and related environments. The study of Marine and Aquaculture Technology provides an opportunity for the future custodians of this environment to study it and to appreciate its value. It gives them the opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to use and protect its unique ecosystems, and at the same time communicate their appreciation to the community. It provides an opportunity to instil in students an acceptable ethical code towards the use of the marine environment, increasingly demanded by the community and governments.